
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

For quite a while I have been reading Katie's blog, Love is Everywhere, and I love it! Part of my favorite things is her participation in Awkward and Awesome Thursdays. I absolutely love them, and decided I would take part! Awkward and Awesome Thursdays was actually started by The Day Book Blog, but I haven't read that blog until today. Anywho, enjoy!

-Ripping my skirt when I sat down at dinner. Luckily, it was the back slit. It wasn't showing anything, but it was definitely a little too risque.
-The guy who passes out free newspapers on the Metro decided he likes some Katy.
-Ironing my clothes quickly in my underwear because I was too lazy to hang them up last week and forgot to iron them the night before wanted to look like I am mature and adult-like at work.
-Learning to fly: Climbing down from my bed, over my desk (we don't have a latter) right after waking up and nearly biting it = How to Fly 101.
-Eating while people take pictures of you. This happened twice in one week!
-Being only one of 2 people posting on our required discussion boards out of a group of 5.
-Sitting in a subway car after the fireworks literally crammed (they couldn't shut the doors) with sweaty people. Oh, and there wasn't any A/C in this car either... When I mean sweaty, I mean beaded upper lips, back sweat through the shirts, and sweat left on the seats when you stand. And this was just the girls!

-Fireworks at the National Mall in DC
-Going to a farther metro stop to avoid a line that would have lasted for hours, and getting straight on the train.
-Landing on my feet after learning to fly.
-Finished my paper way sooner than I thought, so I got to sleep on Tuesday night. BAM.
-Free newspapers everyday on the metro.
-Dry Shampoo.
-Getting a card/letter in the mail from my friend Hannah!
-Joining the Student program-- Free two day shipping! :)
-Competing in an Indian Fry Bread contest, making fry bread for the first time ever, and receiving the awesome first-timer award.
-Shopping sprees at H&M and the biggest Forever 21 in the universe.

1 comment:

  1. oh, i am all too familiar with sweaty subway rides myself...

    yum, indian fry bread!
