
Monday, May 2, 2011

Beginning of the End

So, all morning I was trying to think about how to write what I want to today. Everyone is so excited, yet I am not. I don't know how to express that. My roommate and I talked about this last night, and we are both on the same level. She expressed her reaction in a way that is exactly how I feel, so I am posting hers below:

"First of all, as a Christian, I know there will be no mercy for the things he [Osama bin Laden] has done. It hurts me to feel okay about this because of my beliefs. But it's a struggle because he caused so many more lives to be lost than his one that was probably deserved.
Second, I can't help but be worried about what is to come. Yes, killing bin Laden was something our country needed to hear about, needed to see, needed that sense of ease, but I honestly feel like it's more of a symbolic thing for the US rather than something that is going to mean anything to the entire Al-Qaeda community. There WILL be retaliations, I can feel it. .......
My prayer for all of America is to remember that it wasn't Obama, it wasn't Bush. It was the men and women in ALL branches of the military that unselfishly sacrificed time away from their families, and the men and women who are still doing that today. It took 10 years to find him. I hope that all of the military could breathe a little easier after the news last night. This doesn't mean it's over. Killing the leader does not mean the revolution itself is over, it just means that their public figure is no more."

I cannot feel happy about death. It makes me sad to think how happy our country and the world is over one man dying. Over killing him. I think, "if I had seen Osama walking down the street, would I be able to kill him?" No. Simple as that. Maybe if he were trying to kill me, now that is a different story.

I watched Obama's speech, and was a little disappointed how often he talked about himself. However, I did like how he stated that this is not a war against Islam. It is a war against terrorism. It is important to remember who it is we are fighting.

I know the inevitable will happen: the end. While I am confident in my religion and what the long-term future holds, I still fear the pain and destruction our world will one day see. I fear that this day is looming. I fear that this will be the beginning of that end.

I hope this event brings together our nation, as well as others throughout the world. There is plenty of evil in the world, and I hope we stand strong against it, together.

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