
Saturday, March 5, 2011

10k for Dummies.

Today was the day
to run in my first 10k.
It thinks it's funny.

Nice weather all week-
it interrupted last night.
Windchill: 17.

7 came early,
but I was ready to go.
If only I knew

What I'd have to do.
I wish it was a whirlwind,
instead of just wind.

We jogged to warm up,
and my body said, "nice run."
I said, "ha! Just wait."

My bruised rib was fine-
it only yelled a little.
My thighs yelled a lot.

I ran in slow mo
when I turned to the North wind.
Then, started to cry.

Only small tears, though,
for they dried really quickly.
Half way there- dying.

Then I saw a friend,
Who was going to campus.
We chatted- how nice.

I had to sprint more,
and so we said our goodbyes.
Then I was pumped up.

The wind was still bad,
But the end was in my sight.
If only my throat

would stop the hurting.
My legs were two Jell-o sticks.
But I had to sprint.

I ran my heart out,
and crossed- 1 hour, Fifteen.
A friend said, "Good job."

And I found free food.
I went inside to thaw out,
But it was too warm.

Back outside I went,
Because I'm crazy, you know.
I then heard a sound-

Whiny from my throat.
Yes, I was wheezing- 'Oh my!'
My body hates me.

I'm proud of myself
and am glad to have thawed out.
I napped- wonderf'ly.

I have now stuffed carbs
at a local Carino's.
Life is amazing.
