
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weird Wednesday

I grew up in the great state of Oklahoma. If you aren't from Oklahoma, there are some things you must know:
  • 'round here we might have an accent. None of us believe it, and don't understand why some people think "y'all" is a funny saying. 
  • Yes, we are an obese state. But when you have places like Eischen's that specializes in selling whole fried chickens, how can you blame us? We know good food.
  • We are friendly. When I drive around 71st and Memorial on a Saturday, I'll probably beg to differ. However, if there is one thing I have learned in my travels--- it is that we are one of the few areas of the U.S. where people are nice or considerate to strangers. I don't know how many times I've told a stranger how may day is going, or waved and smiled at them as we walk past each other.
So why does this matter? Well, it is what makes this Weird Wednesday topic tick:

When you and one other person are alone on an elevator and don't speak to each other.

There is about a two second period of time where you can establish communication. If that two seconds passes and the only communication was an awkward eye glance followed by an intense interest in your watch, then you are doomed for 30 seconds of awkward silence. And it feels just like this:

I must admit, I am guilty of this myself. Sometimes, I freeze and don't know what to do. I'm trapped in a metal box. I hope and pray that the person next to me will save the day with a great piece of small-talk. Anything. The weather, the day of the week, sports, heck I'd even accept breaking out into song High School Musical style (though I must admit, I've always secretly wished for my life to be a musical). Being from Oklahoma, I just expect communication with strangers. This silence throws me completely off my game.

Sometimes there just isn't any avoiding it. And apparently there will never be a solution...


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