
Monday, June 13, 2011

The Daily Grind

The rest of the week of work went much smoother. On Tuesday I received everything I needed and was able to get to work. I was completely unsure of what to do. My job for now is to work Help Desk and answer technical support calls. At first, I really didn't know what I was doing. As the week went on, though, I was able to get into the swing of things. On Friday, I answered multiple calls without getting help from anybody. I was so proud of myself! There are still lots of things I don't know, but since I have only been here a week and have never seen a lot of the systems being used, it is okay. If I knew everything at this point I would probably be smart enough to conquer the world. Luckily, I don't know everything and have no desire to be responsible for the welfare of our planet.

Class last week made life a little bit intense. Tuesday and Thursday nights, I have my Formation of Federal Indian Policy class. The teacher seems pretty cool, but he also loves the idea of 20 minute breaks in class. That I am not a big fan of, especially since on Thursday we didn't get out of class until 9:45 pm. Eek. Hopefully it will get better though. Wednesday I have my Internship/Leadership class, and I am not quite sure what we are doing in there. We talked a lot about what a good student is- between bookworm or someone who isn't as grade smart but is really involved in school. I am not quite sure the direction this class is going to go in. However, this class let out early, which made me happy. Our time is so limited that each minute is precious.

On Tuesday and Thursday night, I tried out our cafeteria. Frankly, it was wierd. The food wasn't good and the cafeteria reminded me of high school. There are other places to eat farther on campus, so I might have to start trying those out. Though, with limited time I will have to be careful planning that out. I will keep eating it, though, because we get 50 meals for the summer that you can only use at the cafeteria. Womp womp. OU's cafeteria and other food places really spoiled me. ...I feel like my posts keep talking about how OU has spoiled me. That just means life there is oh-so-great. :)

Wednesday night I got to meet my "cousin" Alice in Dupont Circle. She was here for a few days, so we went to get dinner after I got off work and before class. We went to a burger joint for the sole reason that it had milkshakes. It was SO HOT that day. I was dying. I also wasn't very hungry, so I probably shouldn't have chosen this burger place. But the milkshake was so worth it.

On Friday, work was very enjoyable. Since I was answering calls on my own and wasn't asking for help as much, it felt great. Also, the woman I met on Monday who had the cute puppy brought us pizza for lunch. It was from Whole Foods, and was actually pretty good. The slices were HUGE, so I only had one. I have been having pretty small meals all week, too. I think my stomach is shrinking. It is going to be really interesting to see what all this small meal-eating and lots of walking does to me over the summer. Now, if I can just find an outdoor swimming pool....


1 comment:

  1. Whole Foods pizza is the BEST! If you get to go to Whole Foods, you can do 2 slices of pizza and a soda can for $5! And they have a great salad bar selection :)

    PS I was watching Man vs Food, and they were in DC, so you need to try the 3 following places: Ben's Chili Bowl, Horace and Dickie's, and Chick and Ruth's. If you don't try them, please at least take a picture of them. Pretty please?
