
Monday, February 13, 2012


I am getting back into playing guitar. I used to play from 8th-10th grade. I started out taking lessons privately, and thought things were great. Then I slowly realized that my teacher was extraordinarily sexist, and Katy doesn't deal with people like that. So I quit the lessons and kept playing on my own with the music from my lessons. One night, one of my brothers came in and took one of my strings to make a tattoo gun. He promised to replace it. However, he never did. Sure, I could have gone and done it myself, but I have pride issues and wanted to make him do it. That was the end of me playing guitar.

This semester, I enrolled in the Guitar class offered, and I am absolutely loving it. I already feel like I have learned more than I ever did in my year and a half of private lessons- which is sad. It is so great playing again though. My muscle memory is slowly coming back, along with the callouses.

We are currently learning "Blackbird" by The Beatles. I love this song!

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